The Clinton House is excited to offer safe and convenient ways to enjoy our signature dishes! During this uncertain time we are committed to providing unwavering standards of safety, quality, and value. The Clinton House appreciates your support and we are honored in helping our community stay nourished. We are confident in our ability to serve you with the utmost care.

Our promise to you.
• We promise to diligently monitor the situation through the CDC, the Hunterdon County local health department and other various government agencies to keep up to date with the most recent safety information.
• We promise to re-evaluate our systems and procedures on a daily basis.
• We promise to closely monitor and educate our team and that a servsafe certified manager is on duty on every shift.
• We promise that sanitizer and hand washing stations will be available to all employees.
• We promise we will clean and sanitize common areas and surfaces regularly.
• We promise to post informational posters to remind our staff and guests of our safety protocols.
Your promise to us.
- • If you have been exposed to COVID-19 recently or have symptoms of COVID-19 (including a fever, cough, or shortness of breath), please help us keep everyone safe by staying at home.
- Unvaccinated guests are advised to wear face masks as per the CDC.
The Clinton House’s extra initiatives toward slowing the spread
iWave Air Purifying generators…As an additional layer of safety we have now installed multiple iWave air purifying systems. This is the same equipment that is used in hospitals. As the air within our duct A/C system flows past this generator, positive and negative ions actively purify the air supply.
Increased Air flow…Our A/C system is actively serviced and cleaned to cycle fresh air from the outside to inside the restaurant.
Ozone sterilization…Furthermore, we purify the air nightly by way of Ozone sterilization. Ozone destroys this type of virus by breaking through the outer shell into the core, resulting in damage to the viral RNA. Ozone can also damage the outer shell of the virus in a process called oxidation. Put simply, exposing Coronaviruses to ozone can result in them being 99% damaged or destroyed.
Other Initiatives…
- Manager will be closely monitoring social distancing, hand washing and sanitizing procedures of all staff.
- Cleaning and sanitizing common areas and surfaces regularly such as pens, counters, door handles, phones, etc…
- Employee access to safety informative webinars.
- Working closely with our Hunterdon County health inspector in creating our restaurant’s Covid-19 safety procedures.
- Unvaccinated staff are advised to wear face masks as per the CDC.

2 West Main Street
Clinton, NJ 08809
(908) 730-9300
8 West Mechanic Street
New Hope, PA 18938
Follow us
Parking for The Clinton House is located in the lot across the street.
Restaurant hours:
Monday - Thursday
12-8pm Dining Room
12-9pm Bar
Friday - Saturday
12-9pm Dining Room
12-10pm Bar
12-8pm Dining Room
12-9pm Bar
Bakery hours: